
Curved space time
Curved space time

curved space time

Of course, the observable universe may be many orders of magnitude smaller than the whole universe. Measurements from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) have shown the observable universe to have a density very close to the critical density (within a 0.4% margin of error). And if the universe’s density is less than the critical density, then the universe is open and has negative curvature, like the surface of a saddle. A universe with density greater than the critical density has positive curvature, creating a closed universe that can be imagined like the surface of a sphere. You can imagine a flat universe like a sheet of paper that extends infinitely in all directions. According to him, space and timewhich must be put together as space-timeare curved near heavy masses. If the density is equal to the critical density, then the universe has zero curvature it is flat. Einstein had a different interpretation of the law of gravitation. The answer in Quantum Field Theory is simple: Space is space and time is time, and there is no curvature.

curved space time

The density of matter and energy in the universe determines whether the universe is open, closed, or flat. Just the idea of four-dimensional space-time causes most of us to shudder. Mass also has an effect on the overall geometry of the universe. Overall Curvature of Space Closed universe (top), open universe (middle), and flat universe (bottom). So, locally, spacetime is curved around every object with mass. According to Einstein’s theory of general relativity, massive objects warp the spacetime around them, and the effect a warp has on objects is what we call gravity.

Curved space time